Bride of Frankenstein Nail Art with Rimmel Little Bo Peep

It's that time of year when the most innocent of characters and inanimate objects suddenly become sexy with a bit of spandex and a decorative nose (I'm looking at you Sexy Olaf Costume!), it's HALLOWEEN!  I haven't been enthusiastic about Halloween in a good few years but I'm never one to miss out on a good themed nail opportunity.

For my first Halloween nail art inspiration, I looked back to the classics and became inspired by the Bride of Frankenstein.  Now I know that Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein nail art can be a little bit cliché at this point, I hope I've created something a little bit more original since I'm drawing inspiration from the film itself, so my nail art is monochrome and suitably sinister!

Rimmel London Little Bo Peep, Kiko Milano Slick Bluenoir and Sinful Colors Snow Me White

I decided to go monochrome for this manicure because I wanted to show off the fact that the Bride of Frankenstein is a classic black and white film that's emblematic of a genre.  Being a manicure about the Bride of Frankenstein as opposed to the Monster, I wanted it to be a little bit more discreet, classic looking and delicate (if that's at all possible with black stitch marks).

For the base of the manicure, I used three coats of Little Bo Peep, a lovely light grey from Rimmel and I applied some light slodges of white on top.  I then loaded a brush with acetone to make the grey look mottled, like a corpse (or so I presume!).  I used my detail brush to then create the stitching.  I'll also be including this brief tutorial in another post on in a week or so so look out for that!

For the accent nail, I painted my nail with Slick Bluenoir from Kiko Milano.  I then used my detail brush to paint a curved grey line along the tip of nail to create the space for the Bride's face.  Fill this in with Little Bo Peep.  Then, like the base of the other nails, add spots of white and mix with acetone on the nail to create a mottled effect.  Using my dotting tool, make two black dots for the base of the Bride's eyes.  Using the smaller end of the dotting tool, paint two smaller white dots on top of the black dots, then using less pressure to create even smaller dots, make two smaller black dots in the white of the eyes to create the pupil.  Using my detail brush, paint on eyebrows, lips, eyelashes and cheekbones/scars.  Using the same brush, create the white lightning shape in the Bride's hair.  Finally, using the detail brush, I painted over the Bride's hair line to tidy up the line between the lightning bolt and her face.  Seal everything up with top coat.

Pardon my poor thumb nail, I had a really bad break a few weeks ago and this is the best I could do.  Anyway, I hope you guys like this look as much as me, it's something a little bit different but you can see where the inspiration has come from, or at least I hope you can LOL.  Now, be sure to be following, liking, subscribing or whatever to all the sites below and to the side to be kept up to date with all things Flails and Nails!  Have you guys started wearing Halloween nails yet?  Until next time :-)
